We will accept any Hot Wheels related site so long as this site is not trying to pass information that is illegal or immoral.
Joining the ring is easy. It provides a great way to promote your site to people with the same interests as you. To join the ring or see a site on the Hot Wheels ring, see the links below. If you are a member of AOL and want to join the ring submit using the submission form below and then come back here and use the section below for AOL members to get the proper code. AOL's email software removes the html code from the email that is sent to you.
Using the ring is also easy. A person on a site linked to the ring can click on the "next" button and it will send them to the next site on the ring. There is also the choice of clicking "random" button which sends the person to a random site on the ring.
How to join the ring
Here are the steps to follow to join the ring(It is important to follow the instructions carefully to preserve the integrity of the ring)
Go to Yahoo's website and sign up for a Yahoo ID(It's free) then come back here
Visit my home page or my Hot Wheels page.
A special thanks to Sage Weil for
creating .
Without him, the Hot Wheels Ring would not exist.
I reserve the sole right to remove or refuse acceptance in the Hot Wheels Ring
This Web Site, and the use of all Hot Wheels emblems and depictions, is in accordance with The Lanham Act, Section 43(a), 15 U.S.C., Subsection 1125. Hot Wheels is a registered trademark of Mattel. Frank's Hot Wheels Home on the Web is neither affiliated with, nor endorsed by Mattel.